Hello, and happy Back to the Future Day!

It has been a long time since I’ve posted (almost a month, in fact), and I apologize for the wait. I have had a lot going on (midterms, visiting family at home, general college stuff, trying to make friends, etc.), and I hope this isn’t too much of a disappointment, but I don’t have a particularly long post for today.

As you may already know, my Bible study at school is doing a two-week study on abortion and the Gospel, and last night, I was given 20 minutes to do a presentation. It’s not the same as my full presentation (because I am a very talented elucidator and have to stop myself from talking so much that everyone, including me, forgets what I’m talking about), but I’ve decided to share with you my PowerPoint and handouts, which outline the Christian case against abortion and the moral obligation followers of Christ have to fight the modern-day genocide of our unborn brethren. Here are the links below:

How should Christians respond to abortion? (PowerPoint)

How should Christians respond to abortion? (Handouts)

You are more than welcome to download and share these. I would prefer that you also share the source, because if anyone has questions about the arguments presented or the information included, I want to be available for answers and discussion!

A few notes based on questions I was asked last night:

*I only listed a couple of pro-life organizations as examples. Many more can be found at the Students For Life website here.

*The statistics I cited come from the Guttmacher Institute, which is the research arm of Planned Parenthood. It is basically the only source for abortion statistics in the US, and unfortunately, while they have plenty of incentives to skew the numbers, this is what we have to work with. Assume that all numbers given are conservative estimates.

*The numbers I cited are US abortion statistics, because while abortion throughout the world is a horrific tragedy, most of us have much greater opportunities right here where we live to end this genocide, and it’s where most of us will be able to make the most difference. There are pro-life groups working to build a culture of life throughout Europe and the rest of the world as well, but it is here that I (and most, if not all, of you) have the opportunity to affect the laws and public acceptance of abortion, and it is here that I want to focus on, at least for the time being.

If you have any questions about the content of the presentation or there’s anything you think should be added, please feel free to comment or message me. Have a blessed day! (: